Snowplains Meets

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So, What is a Meet?

Have you ever wanted to find out who is really behind that name that you see when you sit in front of a computer screen, frantically tapping away at the keyboard, chatting gaily away with everyone and anyone? Have you wanted the chance to meet the people who you've been hassling every day for the past 2 months to add in new code? Or how about that strange person who you've been absolutely dying to find out whether they're really male or female irl..? Whatever your motives, all this and much more (mostly along the lines of alcohol consumption, admittedly) is what you can find at a meet..

Spods from all over the world conglomerate in one town, city, or commonly, university, at which point all hell very often breaks loose.. OK, so usually most spods are from the same country, and usually they're fairly well behaved..

Some people worry beforehand about not knowing anyone at the meet, but no-one knows more than one or two other spods at their first meet, which is the whole point (well, a substantial part of) going to a meet in the first place.. Why else would they be called "Meets"?! Anyway, if you're worried that you won't be able to find any other spods (not nearly as hard as many people seem to think) try reading this, a tried and tested formula! And besides.. just how hard can a group of several spods be to spot? Just look out for the black-clad group with alcohol already in hand and more in belly...

Forthcoming Meets

  • 10th Birthday Meet! 18th February 2006, Ipswich, UK

  • Past Meets

  • Ruby organised a Coventry/Leamington/Warwick Uni meet for the 10-12th May, 2002 (are there pictures somewhere? let us know!)

  • London, November 2001, was organised by Jaq for the 9th-11th of November. Pictures are available.

  • Rillaith and Greywolf organised a meet in Nottingham, on the bank holiday weekend of 28th - 31st May, 1999. Pictures are available on the FTP site.

  • There was a meet in Lincoln, Nebraska, on the weekend of the 19th March, 1999.

  • A very successful meet was held in Durham on the 12-14th March, 1999.

  • A mini-meet for New Year '99 was held at Rillaith's home in SE London.

  • The first ever meet in Lancaster was organised by Dcr and Voyager on the weekend of November 13-15, 1998.

  • A mini-meet was held in York in honour of Vento's 25th birthday, in August 1998.

  • There was another Cambridge Meet during the weekend of 12-14th June '98, and pictures are on the ftp site. It was a wet weekend, but lots of fun all the same. More details and piccies can be found on Dcr's website.

  • MrFlibble organised a Coventry meet on 24-26 April '98. Vento and Dawes have pictures on their websites, and these and more are in the ftp site.

  • There was another meet "oop north" in Huddersfield from 30 January to 1 February, 1998. Delights included go-karting and clubbing in the student union club. Pictures are on the ftp site.

  • Yfandes held a New Year's party/spodmeet in New Jersey, to welcome in 1998.

  • There was a final meet in Cambridge on 20-22 June, 1997, arranged by Berry, before the last of the admin and long-time spods left the University.

  • Rillaith's 21st birthday turned into a mini-meet in Cambridge, in May 1997.

  • Smurf, Tucks and TheBabe organised a meet in Huddersfield from 25-27 April '97.

  • There was another meet in Cambridge on the weekend of February 28-March 2, 1997. It was a smaller meet than some, but featured the delights of a mass chinese meal on the Saturday night in Churchill College.

  • Blob organised a meet in London on the weekend of the 20th-22nd December, 1996. This was the last chance for a meet this year,and details of what went on can be found here.

  • Another major drunken orgy, sorry, erm, I meant another meet, was held in Cambridge on the weekend of November 22-24, 1996. We had the biggest turn out ever (so far, that is) with at least 60 spods turning up! There was a huge collection of pictures from that meet on the ftp site here, but many have been lost. A quotes page and links to other meet pages are also available.

  • The 2nd Snowplains meet took place in Cambridge on June 14-16, 1996, and we had a brilliant turn out with 40 spods attending! This was the first major meet held, and the pictures can be found here.

  • Snowplains only started shortly before the Easter holidays in March 1996, but the first Snowplains mini meet happened during those holidays at Jarel's house in Ruffside (in the wilds of Country Durham).

  • Other Meets

    Please don't feel put off by the fact that so far the admin have organised most of the meets so far. If you would like to have a meet in your area, feel free to go ahead and arrange one! If you let us know the details, we can advertise it for you, and put up all the information about it to help you out. Keep us informed, and don't forget to invite us! *grin*

    Meet Pictures

  • All the meet pictures

  • Nottingham, May 1999
  • Lincoln, Nebraska, March 1999
  • Durham, March 1999
  • London, January 1999
  • Lancaster, November 1998
  • York, August 1998
  • Cambridge, June 1998
  • Coventry, April 1998
  • Huddersfield, January 1998
  • New Jersey, January 1998
  • Cambridge, June 1997
  • Cambridge, May 1997
  • Huddersfield, April 1997
  • Cambridge, March 1997
  • Cambridge, February 1997
  • London, December 1996
  • Cambridge, November 1996
  • Cambridge, June 1996
  • Ruffside, March 1996
  • Unfortunately, we had "a minor accident" a rather long time ago now, involving the reformatting of a hard disk, without removing the backups to a safe place first *sigh* Well, we didn't lose much, but what we did lose was the vast majority of the pictures on the FTP site, so you may find some of the earlier meets a little short on pictures. If you have any pictures from spodmeets, past or present, please send them to for inclusion on the FTP site.

    Quick Links

    NottinghamMay 28-31, 1999Rillaith and GreywolfFTP SiteWebpage
    NebraskaMarch 19-21, 1999Gangsta and JelloJoyFTP SiteNone
    DurhamMarch 12-14, 1999Ruby, Onyx and SaphireFTP SiteNone
    LondonNew Year, 1999RillaithFTP SiteNone
    LancasterNovember 13-15, 1998Dcr and Voyager (Martyn)FTP SiteNone
    YorkAugust, 1998Wool and WendoleneFTP SiteNone
    CambridgeJune 12-14, 1998RillaithFTP SiteNone
    CoventryApril 24-26, 1998MrFlibbleFTP SiteNone
    HuddersfieldJanuary 30-February 1, 1998TheBabe, Daine and SmurfFTP SiteWebpage
    New JerseyNew Year, 1998YfandesFTP SiteNone
    CambridgeJune 20-22, 1997BerryFTP SiteWebpage
    CambridgeMay, 1997RillaithFTP SiteNone
    HuddersfieldApril 25-27, 1997Smurf, Tucks and TheBabe FTP SiteNone
    CambridgeFebruary 28-March 2, 1997Berry and RillaithFTP SiteWebpage
    LondonDecember 20-22, 1996BlobNot availableWebpage
    CambridgeNovember 22-24, 1996RillaithFTP SiteWebpage, Quotes
    CambridgeJune 14-16, 1996Berry and RillaithFTP SiteWebpage
    RuffsideMarch, 1996JarelFTP SiteNone

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